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with Vicki Brunelle


This workshop is designed to include various tools to help one manage their disorder.   I encourage active participation, asking questions, sharing any knowledge or experience you have which may benefit the group.

Topics to be discussed:



















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  • What is an auto-immune/immune disorder

  • Factors that contribute to the onset of these disorders

  • Categorizing the list of disorders

    • rheumatoid arthritis

    • myasthenia gravis

    • schleroderma

    • arthritis

    • multiple sclerosis

    • lupus

    • Aids

    • allergies

    • cancer

  • How yoga can help you make the best of whatever muscular capacity you have

  • Learn yoga poses, breathing exercises and meditation techniques

  • The importance of nutrients


with Vicki Brunelle


     This workshop is for everyone! Regardless of your age, body type, or fitness level, you can always start a yoga practice. Learn about this 5000 year old practice and how it can benefit you! Yoga is not about trying to contort your body into various poses, but it is about bringing the mind, body and spirit together, which can help improve your health and fitness.


Who should attend:

  • Those new or fairly new to yoga, and seasoned yogis/yoginis, as a refresher course to learn more about the philosophy, history, and receive personal yoga instructions

  • Learn about Hatha Yoga, which is a physical practice, and is most widely practiced in the US, and the many styles of yoga, to find the one that works for you

  • Learn the importance of the breath, which goes hand in hand with the   postures…yoga IS a union of breath and movement

  • Experience a basic Hatha yoga class, with 20+ poses (forward bends, back bends, balancing, inversions, and twists), including a centering to start the class and ending with a relaxation pose)

  • Handouts, or an email,  listing all the poses you will have learned and includes the beneficial effects of each of the poses


I would be remiss if I did not include information on the diet of a yogi, which is vegetarian.  Vegan chocolate chip cookies and tea will be offered for you to try!


If you have any questions about this workshop, please contact me.

978-345-1156 or




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with Vicki Brunelle


This workshop will be two-fold: from a yogic background, learning postures that may alleviate back pain, and from a doctor's viewpoint, include information/movements from

Stuart McGill PhD, author of Back Mechanics.


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with Vicki Brunelle
(trained with Sara Meeks, Kripalu Center)


Learn what you do now to help you achieve a more independent life in your older age.  Anyone can benefit from this workshop. ( 1 in 2 females, and 1 in 4 males are affected by this disease in their lifetime)

Topics  include:
• Definition of osteoporosis
• Statistics from the National Osteoporosis Foundation
• Brief history
• Risk factors (hand out available)
• Medication/drugs/hormone therapy
• Vitamins/supplements
• Learn/Practice basic yoga postures (postures you should avoid) and site specific exercises. 

    Wear comfortable clothes
• Lifestyle changes
• Diet (hand-out available)


Open discussion and sharing is encouraged!

Click here to register


AYURVEDA (science of life) WORKSHOP

World's oldest holistic healing system for better sleep, less stress,

and optimal digestion, and more

Learn about your constitution (physiological functions and your psychological aspects) and the way it affects your life, and how the practice of Ayurveda can help bring a balanced state of mind and body that promotes clarity and harmony.

The following topics will be discussed:


  • What is Ayurveda, the value of Ayurveda, why and how one can practice Ayurveda

  • Brief history of Ayurveda

  • Learn the Three Vital Energies/Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

  • Complete an assessment to determine your constitutional type (includes your physical build, your physiological functions, and your psychological aspects), VPK

  • Learn about the five elements (air, ether, fire, water and earth) that are associated with the doshas

  • Factors that disturb your dosha, VPK (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)...handout

  • Factors that increase your dosha...handout

  • Maintaining Wellness: learn how your dosha or constitution relates to your lifestyle in all of the following areas:  daily activities and routine, work/occupations, leisure time, vacations, exercise, food and diet (agni, digestive fire), relationships

  • Practice a simple daily exercise sequence and learn what yoga style is best for you, which is determined by you dosha...handout

  • sample nutritious kitcheri (rice, bean and spices dish) which balances the doshas, and tea


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     With the use of props, including bolsters, blankets and cushions, you will be guided into gentle yoga poses, combined with guided meditation.  Bring your body and mind into total relaxation and access the calm and peaceful state that lies deep within all of us.  No experience required.


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Learn why the number of men practicing yoga is on the rise!  If you've  been wondering about yoga, new to yoga and want to find out more about the benefits of practicing yoga, consider giving yoga a try.  Maybe you've seen pictures of yoga, but yoga needs to be experienced!  In this workshop we will include the following topics, and most importantly, learn yoga poses!

  • What is yoga?  Why practice yoga?  Can anyone practice yoga?

  • YOGA Statistics...staggering growth shows ever-increasing popularity

  • Yoga and other forms of exercise (running, cycling, group sports)

  • Yoga and healthy eating

  • Yoga and PTSD

  • Do a Flex Test

  • Practice a sequence, working on trying to get muscle groups to move freely and fluidly.

  • Will include centering, warm-ups, various poses (standing, balancing, forward bends, back bends, inversions (maybe even a headstand!), relaxation, breathwork, and meditation

    -no experience needed
   -yoga is practiced with bare feet
-wear loose clothing or gym clothes


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More info coming...


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More info coming...


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More info coming...


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All workshops will be discussed from a yogic viewpoint, but will include information that can affect the disease or disorder, both beneficial and harmful.

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